2020 Greatest Hits
Best Financial Performance
• Generated a positive operating margin of 0.5% for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 while addressing the significant revenue and expense impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Realized a 3.3% operating margin for the four months ending October 31, 2020. • Received more than $55 million in Federal CARES Act funding to offset the impact associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. • Finalized the completion of a $218 million bridge loan to repay all prior AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center debt, realizing an interest expense savings.
• Coordinated the Atlantic County Hospital Fee Program, adding $33.6 million in new revenue to Atlantic County hospitals for serving the underinsured effective July 2021. • Improved throughput times by partnering with Patient Flow to roll out barcode scanning of discharge patients. • Earned $6.1 million of potential $7.2 million at-risk payments from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Value Based Purchasing Programs. • Anticipate $4.8 million of potential $5.7 million in Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP) payments. • Family Planning Grants/Awards: – Received $400,000 federal grant toward the opening of a Family Planning Clinic in Atlantic City. – Awarded $124,000 from the New Jersey Family Planning League to expand Family Planning services. • Received FQHC federal funds for Coronavirus Supplemental Funding Act Funding, totaling $1,079,616, which is being used to test, treat and secure continued services for patients. • Cultivated FQHC financial grant support with more than $500,000 to provide mass Flu Vaccination, Financial Assisters for health insurance and expanded behavioral health services. • FQHC received $70 per visit increase in its Prospective Payment System (PPS) rate effective October 1, 2020, which will provide a foundation for continued growth and sustainability • Improved coding compliance and identification of chronic disease patients, resulting in accurate risk adjustment factor (RAF) and increased reimbursement rates (over $10 million at risk). • Completed Disaster Recovery Relocation Project, moving information technology equipment from the Geisinger data center to a new facility in Norristown, PA. • Achieved Promoting Interoperability and Merit Based Incentive Payment System requirements for 2019, resulting in avoidance of a potential $3.8 million penalty.
• Replaced WebEx with Skype, resulting in savings of $76,000 over 12 months. • Received shared savings in the AmeriHealth value-based contract for $134,667.
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