AtlantiCare 2021 Greatest Hits Booklet

AtlantiCare 2021 Greatest Hits Booklet

Each year, we raise the bar on the level of care we provide, and I am pleased to say that 2021 has been no exception. As I reflect on the past 12 months, I am inspired by our team’s ability to emphasize quality and safety across each of the 5Bs. To the AtlantiCare Family,

This year, we introduced a sixth Core Value, Inclusion, and we have embraced all that it involves to create an environment where we can be our authentic selves. On the following pages, you will see highlights of our many accomplishments from the past year. Each was made possible through the hard work, passion and dedication of every member of the AtlantiCare team. Most impressive is our ability to persevere while continuing to address a worldwide pandemic. Throughout, we’ve shown our commitment to doing everything possible to promote health and wellness. From educational outreach to vaccination support, our pandemic-related work has made our community safer.

Every year brings with it opportunities to enhance the care we provide to our patients and each other. Thank you for always thinking AtlantiCare First to ensure we continue to promote health and healing. I look forward to 2022 and our ongoing journey of excellence.

Keep Making a Difference,

2021 Greatest Hits

Best People and Workplace

• Established “Inclusion” as AtlantiCare’s sixth core value. • Hired 77 new providers, including additions to Endocrinology/Rheumatology, Primary Care, Psychiatry, Cardiology, Hospital Medicine, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Anesthesia and Urogynecology. • Received the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) designation as a Leader in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) Healthcare Equality in its Healthcare Equality Index for the City and Mainland campuses. • Launched Mindful Moments, a text messaging resilience program, reaching approximately 1,000 staff members. • Launched an employee first-time homebuyer down payment assistance program, providing up to $10,000 in assistance to AtlantiCare employees purchasing a home in Atlantic City. • Launched STRIDES Hi-Potential development program. • Provided inclusive leadership training to more than 400 members of the AtlantiCare leadership team. • Redesigned the Performance Evaluation system. • Created Helping Hand shifts in respiratory care unit to bridge staffing gaps and support COVID-19 patients. • Hired 332 nurses and 238 new patient care associates. • Provided two certification review courses: Medical-Surgical (41 attended; 32 have passed to date)

and Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN) / Progressive Care Certified Nurse (PCCN) – 23 attended; two have passed to date. • Completed two nursing research studies: “Emergency Room Nurses Perceptions of Safety among Patients and Visitors” and “Lived Experience of the ED Nurse Assaulted by Patient or Visitor.” • Collaborated with AtlantiCare Information Technology team to re-evaluate Med Carts to address connectivity issues and have better functionality for end users. • CEO held 41 Virtual COVID-19 and Clinical Town Hall meetings for all staff. • Implemented mandatory COVID-19 and flu vaccination rate to ensure the safety of our teams and patients. Achieved 90% (COVID-19) and 98% (Flu). • Successfully installed the AMKAI/SIS electronic medical record and Command Health dictation tool in all four Ambulatory Surgery Centers. • Launched new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Portal on The Starfish. • Hosted AtlantiCare’s first virtual Diversity Summit, sharing DE&I strategic updates and accomplishments.


Best People and Workplace


• Distributed 144 free doses of Narcan to members of our community by Recovery Specialists and Pharmacy staff. • Increased the diversity of AtlantiCare’s Board of Trustees to more accurately represent AtlantiCare staff and the communities it serves. • Recognition of Charisse Fizer, chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer, by the following news outlets: ROI-NJ (as a Top Influencer in DE&I) and South Jersey Biz (2021 “Who’s Who In Health Care” list). • Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): – Formed 11th ERG, EARTHS (Environmentally Active Resource Team for Healthcare Sustainability. – Provided six academic scholarships to internal employees and community members. – Increased membership by more than 3%. – Launched new electronic application. • Partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City’s Friday Is Tie Day and Atlantic City High School to show the “Black Men in White Coats” documentary, facilitating a conversation around black men in medicine. • Provided funding to India COVID-19 relief efforts through the New Jersey Hospital Association. • Redesigned Foundations in Leadership program. • Provided market adjustments for nearly 50% of AtlantiCare’s workforce. • Increased overall hiring by 30% despite a challenging labor market. • Conducted 11 Joy in the Workplace sessions, reaching approximately 180 staff members. • Launched virtual Medical Assistant coverage in November 2021 to support regional shifts in deficits for this position. • Expanded Monday Minute audio news update to all AtlantiCare team members via VOLO. • Reached more than 150,000 page hits for Coronavirus Central intranet page.


2021 Greatest Hits

Best People and Workplace


• Seated a Communications Governance Council of senior leaders to focus on Employee Communications. • Enabled staff to login into the following systems using their AtlantiCare credentials: Provation (Endoscopy), Avatar (Behavior Health) and IMedRIS (Institutional Review Board). This eliminated separate logins. • Implemented Clairvia Mobile App that allows nurses to schedule shifts on their mobile devices. • Introduced Microsoft Teams to replace Skype for audio and video meetings/calls functions. • Enhanced conference room audio/video equipment to allow for Microsoft Teams and Zoom meetings/presentations. • Launched Nurse Manager Transition to Practice Program, which 13 managers have completed. • Increased safety by instituting revised employee badges to include first name and last initial in all high-risk areas. (EDs, PIP, 1 Pines completed) • Implemented Stress First Aid in nursing units. • Received grant funding to launch an employee mammogram campaign to increase compliance by staff and spouses. • Promoted 18% of Environmental Services department to new roles within the organization through a collaboration between EVS and recruitment.

• 42 staff and leaders completed Lean Greenbelt training. 23 completed a project and achieved certification. • Medicine hospitalists, with support from the PMO team, implemented an electronic assignment process reducing time to complete by over 40%. • Added new features in the Employee Screening Application (ESA): – Added a well-being module to focus on employee well-being and offer resources to promote well-being and resiliency for employees. – Modified vaccination risk algorithm for employees who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. – Added option to document vaccine receipt for employees who have received the vaccine at another location.


Best Quality

• Exceeded target for Medicare readmissions. • Achieved target for Medicare mortality outcomes. • Led the Atlantic County COVID-19 Vaccination Mega Site and delivered more than 250,000 vaccine doses. • Achieved Leapfrog B Safety Rating for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Mainland Campus. • Earned $6.6M of a potential $7.2M at-risk payment from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospital Value Based Purchasing Programs. • Achieved zero penalties for hospital-acquired conditions, Value Based Purchasing. • Implemented Summer Fitness in the Park, increasing access to physical activity opportunities in Atlantic City. • Successfully completed a Revitalization Plan for the Midtown Neighborhood in Atlantic City, allowing for further funding consideration by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and under consideration for the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program. • Won New Jersey Hospital Association 2021 Connect Award for Outstanding Communications for COVID-19 communications efforts. • Launched COVID-19 Long-Haul Clinic and provided care for more than 300 patients. • Selected as an Ambassador Provider with Horizon BCBSNJ’s Integrated System of Care Program, designed to improve the overall health of adult Horizon Commercial Members with a Serious Mental Illness and/or Substance Use Disorder. • Led Education Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccinations for hospital and Atlantic County business communities and schools. • Collaborated with nursing, intensivists and hospitalists to give Precedex infusions to PCU COVID-19 populations. • Residency Program: – Received approval for fourth psychiatry resident slot. – Launched second year of four-year residency programs with eight Family Medicine residents and six Psychiatry residents, with approved resident complement of 12 for each program.


2021 Greatest Hits

Best Quality


– Achieved a successful 2021 Resident Match for four residency programs: Internal Medicine (14 positions), Psychiatry (three positions), Family Medicine (four positions) and Pharmacy (three positions). – Achieved an annual board pass rate of 92% for Internal Medicine Residency program. – Held successful Virtual Resident Research Day with 39 Posters (14 original research and 25 case vignettes). • Received Continued Institutional Accreditation with Commendation and no citation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) as a sponsoring institution for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center for COVID-19. • Successfully completed multiple regulatory/accreditation surveys including: – AtlantiCare Federally Qualified Health Center National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)-Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) – January 2021. – Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) • Psychiatry Residency Program – March 2021. • Clinical Learning Environment Review site visit – May 2021. • Family Medicine Residency Program – July 2021. – American College of Surgeons Trauma Center survey – March 2021. – New Jersey Department of Health Division of Mental Health and Addictions Services – Hartford and Hammonton programs – April 2021. – Joint Commission Comprehensive Stroke and Advanced Primary Stroke Center Disease Specific certification surveys – May 2021. – American College of Radiology, Gold Standard Radiation Oncology Practice Accreditation – July 2021.

– Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)/NJ Department of Health – Egg Harbor Township Surgery Center – September 2021. – Clinical Laboratories Improvement Amendments (CLIA) – Cancer Centers – July/August 2021. – Department of Children & Families, Child & Adolescent Acute Partial Care – September 2021. – New Jersey Department of Health Division of Mental Health and Addictions Services, Adult Acute Partial Program – October 2021. • Hosted community cancer screening events:

– Free prostate exams to nearly 100 men. – Screened 100 people for skin cancer. – Provided over 1,000 bags containing women’s health information during breast cancer awareness month.


Best Quality


• In partnership with New Jersey Department of Health, provided vaccines to over 150 individuals who were housing insecure at shelters, drop in centers and other social service locations. • Deployed a streamlined process for the infusion of monoclonal antibodies to help treat mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 infections in the emergency department. • Hired AtlantiCare’s first Certified Community Doula to improve Black/Brown Infant Morbidity and Mortality. • Conducted Health Equity Training and administered the Implicit Bias Race Test to leaders and providers of Women’s Health services. • Created a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and others (LGBTQIA+) Support Services Navigator position dedicated to ensuring that LGBTQIA+ patients are able to successfully navigate all resources available to them. • Healthgrades Best Hospital Awards 2022: – America’s 50 Best Hospitals for Surgical Care Award™ (2022)

– America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Coronary Intervention Award™ (2022, 2021, 2020) – America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Joint Replacement Award™ (2022, 2021, 2020) – America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Orthopedic Surgery Award™ (2022, 2021, 2020) • Recognitions:

– Ranked as the 7th Best Hospital in New Jersey by US News & World Report , improving from No. 9 in 2020-2021. – Received acceptance to the New Jersey Department of Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Recognition Program. – Earned American Heart Association (AHA) Gold level recognition as part of the 2021 Check. Change. Control. Cholesterol™ Recognition Program. – Received the most Community Health Quality Recognition badges from the Health Resources and Services

Administration (HRSA) of all Health Centers in New Jersey for AtlantiCare’s Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). • Initiated an AtlantiCare Screening Committee to provide evidence-based recommendations on health screenings. • Significantly improved October 2021 CMS Care Compare performance for Hospital Wide Readmissions, Patient Safety Indicator 04 (PSI-04), Sepsis and Hip/Knee complications. • Joined the New Jersey Quality Improvement Project (NJ- QIP) Program, formerly known as Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP), to help advance statewide quality improvements in maternal and behavioral health, with incentive payment opportunities of nearly $7M. • Implemented a five-week Yoga for Youth series and three wellness retreats for elementary aged children to promote youth well-being at the LifeCenter. • Secured more than 600 earned mentions/stories in national, regional and/or local media highlighting AtlantiCare experts, care and services, including two “Good Morning America” stories, a Fox-29 Philly live interview, a Bloomberg News feature and an American Hospital Association best practice spotlight.


2021 Greatest Hits

Best Quality


• Achieved targeted benchmark for year-end result through Hierarchical Conditional Category (HCC) coding improvement initiative. • Enhanced the site to facilitate health engagement outreach and tracking efforts. • Implemented Camera Capture, a solution that allows the clinical staff to upload images, such as wounds, in the Electronic Health record, thereby assisting with accurate documentation. • Implemented T-DOC sterile tray tracking at the Center for Orthopaedic Surgery. • Provided a USB encryption solution for additional security of data transfers. • Implemented Command Health Dictation/transcription solution at all AtlantiCare Surgery Centers. • Launched Excellence in Patient Care Campaign to focus on eight nursing quality metrics.

• Created partnerships between providers, nursing and medical residents for practice and education related to catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), central line bloodstream infection (CLABSI), sequential compression device (SCD) compliance and sepsis compliance and prevention. • Provided access to dialysis nurses to scan medications, specimens and blood products into Cerner in an effort to improve Leapfrog scores and metrics. • Increased hand-washing observations up to 200 observations per floor to meet Leapfrog scores and metrics. • Modified the way Chlorhexidine (CHG) body wash is ordered in Powerchart in an effort to reduce central line bloodstream infections (CLABSI). • Achieved goal of greater than 95% of assessments complete after screening positive for suicide prevention method. • Achieved goal of 65% ED staff completion of Crisis Prevention Intervention training. • Pantry at the PLEX served over 871 individuals who were food insecure. • Over 7,000 patients have been screened for social determinants using the PREPARE tool. • In November, Initiated transitions of care visits for high-risk discharge patients using the Virtualist Program. • The SnFist program is active in three Extended Care facilities resulting in decrease in readmissions and length of stay.




Best Patient Experience

• Achieved target patient experience index system score of 80.5% for Share the Success bonus program. • Achieved AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) score of 76.5%, exceeding target. • Implemented a program to comply with new information blocking regulations resulting in faster and more comprehensive information available to our patients. • Deployed Nicview® Camera technology, providing the ability for parents to see their infant while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Each month, approximately 2,000 views occur. • Achieved successful collaboration between nursing and Patient Experience to complete 35 IRounds per week. • Provided Excellence in Clinician/Patient Communication Training to more than 120 providers. • Provided Starfish Experience Lab trainings to 1,100 new employees and more than 300 existing employees. • Renovated the Maternal Fetal Medicine outpatient office in the Center for Childbirth at the Mainland Campus. • Committed to making AtlantiCare more diverse, equitable and inclusive

through the signing of the Chief Executive Officer Action Pledge. • Celebrated 3rd year of hosting the Us Too Prostate Support Group. • Installed Blink Electric Vehicle Chargers at three locations and received grant to offset approximately 35% of the installation costs. • Went live with new touchless registration process at Urgent Care Centers. • Added star rating to be viewable for all providers with appointments on the Find a Doc solution. • Engaged students who were participating in distance learning via bitmoji classrooms created by the AtlantiCare Kids and Teen Center teams. • Processed more than 200,000 calls through Centralized Scheduling for AtlantiCare Physician Group practices, decreasing calls to practices and improving access. • Implemented Certify mobile pre-registration capability for Urgent Care Center patients. • Implemented Teledoc/Cerner interface to allow for patient auto-scheduling of telemedicine visits through Kyruus self-scheduling system. • Exceeded Information Technology System Uptime goals (January – September 2021):

– Application Uptime (internal) – 99% – Application Uptime (Cerner) – 100% – Network Uptime – 100%


2021 Greatest Hits

Best Patient Experience continued

• Met or exceeded metrics for AtlantiCare Information Technology Customer Experience goals (January – September 2021). • Met or exceeded Customer Experience scores in all AtlantiCare Surgery Centers across all quarters. • Implemented new features in the Cerner HealtheLife Patient Portal: – Removed the 36-hour hold on all lab results to improve patient communication and meet new regulatory requirements. – Added microbiology and pathology results to provide patients with additional information about their personal health. – Added new texting and security functionality to improve support at the Atlantic County COVID-19 Vaccination Mega Site. • Exceeded the overall satisfaction goal on the Press Ganey customer surveys for ABH and 1 Pines through September, achieving 84.9% and 60.0% top box results respectively. • Exceeded the overall top box goal on the ABH internally developed surveys at 93% top box results. • Rolled out new Video/Voice Interpretation System, Voyce, for use in the ambulatory and acute settings. • Launched internal communications reinforcement messaging for completing Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) surveys to help improve the patient experience. • Through a grant, we funded over 300 roundtrip transports for patients.


Best Growth

• Created a referral management system and successfully achieved AtlantiCare First target. • Medical Arts Pavilion (Ohio Avenue) on budget/targeted to open Fall 2022. • Launched the Virtualist Program, achieving more than 1,300 visits since June 2021. • Opened first AtlantiCare Physician Group Primary Care site in Mays Landing.

• Opened a Bridge Clinic at the ARMC City campus to provide timely access to treatment of opioid use disorder with a primary focus of stabilization, management of withdrawal symptoms and connection to ongoing treatment. – 58 patients seen in the Bridge Clinic from Aug. 1 – Nov. 1. – 85% of individuals were connected to ongoing treatment in the community, a significant improvement from the baseline transition rate of 7%. • Provided services to 95 participants through October who were referred from the ARMC Trauma Unit as part of the Hospital Based Violence Intervention Program, with a 0% re-injury or retaliation rate. • Launched 24/7 intensivist coverage at the Mainland campus.. Initiated capabilities to do Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) and Impella devices. • Won gold award in the Total Advertising Campaign without TV category in the 38th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards for AtlantiCare’s Back to Better Campaign. • Launched new Podcast series, Spreading the Health, featuring AtlantiCare experts.

• Increased website page views 115% year over year. • Experienced social media audience growth of 8%.

• Trained all existing cardiothoracic intensive care unit (CTICU) nurses for CTICU extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) service. Cross-trained 16 nurses for cardiothoracic intensive care unit (CTICU) stepdown. • Received approval and initiated design for $75M Mainland Campus expansion to expand critical care and private room capacity.


2021 Greatest Hits

Best Growth continued

• Increased Medical Oncology patient panel size by 50%. • Achieved an all-time high number (11,962) of medications delivered to patients being discharged (Meds-to-Beds Program) while capturing greater than 80% of eligible discharges. • Exceeded our goal of $1.5M in revenue by successfully implementing AtlantiCare’s Oral Oncology Specialty Pharmacy Program at the HealthPlex and Cancer Care Institute in Egg Harbor Township. • Expanded the total lives cared for at the Medication Therapy Disease Management clinics to a total of 800. • Opened a new health center at the Atlantic City High School focusing on adolescent health and well-being. • Achieved obstetric delivery record in September 2021 with 209 births. • Grew Remote Patient Monitoring Program from 85 patients to 104 patients managed daily. • Began construction on Ambulatory Infusion Center in the AtlantiCare Health Park in Egg Harbor Township. • Expanded Cardiology practice in Building 200 at the AtlantiCare Health Park in Egg Harbor Township to include nine exam rooms and two diagnostic testing rooms where six to seven providers practice daily. • AtlantiCare Physician Group Surgery (1200 Bldg. of AtlantiCare Health Park in Egg Harbor Township, plus Pain & Colorectal) achieved close to 10,000 visits above 2019 and 2020. • Projecting Urgent Care volumes to be 23% above 2019, with more than 200,000 patients served and more than 80,000 COVID-19 tests completed in 2021. • Completed renovations at both hospital campus laboratories, which went live on new chemistry testing platform on Nov. 2, 2021. • Strengthened agreements and continued academic affiliations for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Residency Programs: – Temple University Hospital for rotation of six surgical residents. – Cooper Health System for rotation of eight psychiatry residents. – Inspira Health Network for rotations in Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Podiatry residents.

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Best Growth continued

• Strengthened Medical School Affiliations for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Residency Programs: – Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine (GCSOM) rotation of 18 third year Hub medical students. – Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine (ROWAN SOM) rotation of 20 third year students. – Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) rotation of five third year medical students. • Implemented home pulse ox monitoring in all three Emergency Departments to support COVID-19 patient discharge. • Added Endoscopy capability to the Ocean County AtlantiCare Surgery Center (4th Quarter). • Recruited Obstetric Medicine physician to enhance safety in the “4th trimester” period lasting up to 12 weeks post-delivery. • Opened a new Obstetrics/Gynecology location on Jimmie Leeds Road in Galloway with a non-traditional office layout and design. • The PACE Life Connection Program is caring for over 100 patients. • Center for Orthopaedic Surgery successfully completed 310 ambulatory joint procedures. • ABH implemented Esketamine medication administration capability for the treatment of severe depression. • Structural Heart program, including TAVR and Watchman procedures, grew 33%. • Supported and expanded school-based wellness offerings by contracting with three local districts to offer a dedicated School Wellness Resources that reinforce the schools’ health, well-being and resiliency needs. • Collaborated with physician practices to enhance Google listings to increase percentage of patients finding us through organic “Google type” searches. Best in class metric is 62%. We are performing at 65%. • By continuing to expand digital channels in our paid mediums, we garnered over 30 million impressions resulting in 200,359 clicks to the website (January 1-October 15, 2021). • Launched fully integrated advertising campaigns for over 20 service lines. • Implemented reiki, meditation and aromatherapy integrative medicine services at the LifeCenter. • Expanded the Palliative Care program to include clinics, home visits and implementation of General Inpatient (GIP) Hospice. • Launched Osteoporosis Prevention & Treatment Program (November) under Rheumatology & Surgical Services. • Established Primary Care home visitation program, seeing 100 patients per month.


2021 Greatest Hits

Best Financial Performance

• Achieved an AA bond rating from both S&P and Fitch, one of the highest ratings in the State, that resulted in a $242M bond financing with an All in True Interest Cost of 2.4% over 30 years. • Achieved a 2.7% operating margin for the 10 months ending October 2021, which is well in excess of the 1% margin budget. Projected to close the calendar year with roughly a 3% operating margin, which will result in being over budget by $20M. • Launched the County Option Hospital Fee Pilot Program, which will result in a potential of $30M of new funding annually to AtlantiCare to help cover the cost of care provided to our Medicaid population. • Attested to $58M of COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund for the organization, allowing us to

retain 100% of the funds received and submitted/ received over $6M of FEMA reimbursement. In addition, submitted and received various other grants and funding related to the pandemic, i.e. employee retention tax credits, mega site vaccine reimbursement. • Received $20M in value based contract reimbursement from Medicare, Horizon, NJ Health and other payers related to AtlantiCare’s performance in our shared savings/shared risk agreements for calendar year 2020. • Achieved significant savings through continued success of our captive insurance program, English Creek Assurance, and entrance into a new group captive, Catalyst, for fleet coverage. • The AtlantiCare Foundation raised $1.48M for the Medical Arts Pavilion Capital Campaign. • Awarded a $1.3M grant for our “Safe Beginnings” program from the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority/ Department of Health to enable improvement in maternal and infant health outcomes in Atlantic City. • Reduced delays in discharge planning by creating automated physical therapy consults and implementing a new rule that checks a patient’s Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) score and automatically places a physical therapy consult based on designed parameters in the system. • Projected to be above budget by 13% and above prior year by 38% for Oncology Program. • Received $6,3M in Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) vs $6M in June of 2021 as well as prepay of $3,1M in bridge payment for Quality Improvement Program (QIP). • Awarded two Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration grants: – $800,000 for COVID-19 Emergency Response for Suicide Prevention. – $4M two-year grant for expansion of the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) and $1.5M of enhanced outlier Medicaid payments for this program.

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2021 Greatest Hits

Best Financial Performance continued

• Fully transitioned from a fiscal year end to a calendar year end, including finalizing multiple year audits, tax returns (990s) and cost reports. • FQHC has sustained positive operating margin of 0.6% through October 2021. • Obtained six new grants/contracts totaling $3,036,006 – Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). • Achieved significant cost savings by combining multiple AtlantiCare Physician Group practices into one Galloway location. • Received $200,000 in two rounds of funding as part of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s Sustain and Serve program, which allowed us to support local restaurants by providing food to our frontline teams and other area first responders. • Supply Chain achieved $4.4M in savings. • Performed a double version upgrade to Star Financial system and Star Imaging system. • Implemented the Bring Your Own Device (mobile phone) program, saving $97,797.57 in Quarter 1. • Began a new recycling program with Keystone Technology Management for management of recycling IT equipment that is budget neutral. • Upgraded the Point of Sale system to P2PE for the Morrison Cafeteria system for more secure credit card transactions.



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