AtlantiCare Leader Handbook

What is AtlantiCare? AtlantiCare’s cultural identity is comprised of our Mission, Vision, Values, Family Commitments, and all other organizational philosophies that drive how we think, act and serve others. Mission, Vision, and Values Our Mission, Vision, and Values drive all of our decisions and strategic initiatives. They are the foundation of our organization and clarify our purpose, direction, and guiding principles. Mission: Why we are here We make a difference in health and healing, one person at a time, through caring and trusting relationships. Vision: Where we are headed Building healthy communities together. Values: Principles that guide us Integrity – Our behaviors consistently reflect the highest ethical standards. Respect – We treat each other with kindness, dignity, and compassion. Service – Excellence in every interaction. Inclusion- We create a sense of belonging by embracing the diversity in our AtlantiCare family and community. Family Commitments Our values drive what matters most and provide the foundation for employee behavior. The Family Commitments define these behaviors and actions that we expect at AtlantiCare. These behaviors include: Core Behaviors – How we act: Create excellent encounters Walk the talk P r a c t i c e h u m i l i t y a n d c i v i l i t y K e e p A t l a n t i C a r e p r o u d Safety – Safety and well-being is our top priority. Teamwork – We work together to achieve our goals. Leader Expectation(s): Leaders are expected to know and embody our Mission, Vision, and Values. Leaders should ensure their staff know the Mission, Vision, and Values and hold them accountable for behaviors that align with them. Performance discussions should be linked back to the Mission, Vision, Values, and Family Commitments. Leaders should help staff make the connection between their job functions and the goals that come from the Mission, Vision, and Values of AtlantiCare. We want leaders to make these Family Commitments come alive in their departments. We expect leaders to find ways to highlight and reinforce them. Leaders should be aware that there is a Family Commitment category in the Shining Stars system and are encouraged to align employee recognition for above and beyond performance to these expectations. Example: “See Something Say Something” can be linked to Safety and calling out hazards when we see them, or it can be linked to recognition of great work. Strategic Planning Process AtlantiCare is diligent and purposeful about strategic planning. We have a rolling, three year strategic planning process that is continuously updated via the annual strategic planning process. Environmental analysis, customer focus groups, prior scorecard results, and strategic planning retreats lead to the development of strategic initiatives, organizational objectives, and Big Dot goals. Plans are carried out through service lines, B teams, and subject matter experts with oversight provided by Best In Class and strategic initiative scorecards that are updated quarterly, made available to employees, and reviewed routinely by senior leadership and Board members. U n d e r s t a n d y o u r p a t i e n t s a n d / o r c u s t o m e r s i n w o r k a n d a t h o m e S e e s o m e t h i n g , s a y s o m e t h i n g C r e a t e e x c e l l e n t e n c o u n t e r s W a l k t h e t a l k B e c u r i o u s a n d i n n o v a t i v e Be curious and innovative Practice humility and civility Keep AtlantiCare proud Make your work matter Choose your words carefully Practice self-care and find joy in work and at home Understand your patients and/or customers See something, say something Celebrate! Do the right thing and do things right

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