continued Best Financial Performance
• Fully deployed RAPID software (artificial intelligence technology to rapidly evaluate Computerize Tomography (CT) perfusion studies for endovascular neurosurgery candidacy). • The AtlantiCare Internal Medicine Physician Resident Outreach to Atlantic City Housing Authority for Seniors program was awarded a grant of $50,000 over two years by the Community Foundation of South Jersey’s Aging Innovation Fund to focus on community engagement and health. • Secured $368,000 in supplemental funding for various programs at the William L. Gormley AtlantiCare HealthPlex. • Achieved shared savings in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Oncology Care Model. • Received a $96,000 award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to better enable AtlantiCare to address the social determinant of housing by working in collaboration with other social service agencies in our community. • Maintained AtlantiCare’s self-insured workers’ compensation program, with no need to increase funding due to a combination of sustained loss reduction and a substantial increase in commercial market premiums. • Received $20,000 in funding from the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) to pilot wellness text messages and mhealth technology tables to primary care patients at the William L. Gormley AtlantiCare HealthPlex. • Funded $55,200 in small grants to 62 local schools to support health and wellness actions. • Value-Based Programs: – Completed quality reporting for Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) and the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) which earned us an incentive payment of approximately $150,000, while avoiding a loss of $213,126.83; – Collected $310,000 in monthly enhanced oncology services payment and shared savings for Oncology Care Model during FY 2019. • Increased Personal Training Revenue at the LifeCenter by 4% versus prior year. • The LIFE Connection program exceeded gross revenue budget by $228,000 year-to-date as of February 2019.
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