YOUniversity Catalog



G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

Dear TeamMember, We’re excited to introduce AtlantiCare YOUniversity, our new platform focused on fostering growth and innovation within our organization. This initiative is rooted in our commitment to supporting your career development and providing opportunities for continuous learning. With AtlantiCare YOUniversity, you’ll have access to: • Professional Development Classes: Learn a variety of relevant skills to help you work efficiently and communicate effectively with others. • Leadership Initiatives: Participate in programs to enhance your leadership abilities. • Education Assistance Programs: Explore options for financial aid for higher education. • Career Growth Pathways: Discover clear paths for advancement, including mentorship.

• External Training Programs: Access community-facing programs to help strengthen the AtlantiCare workforce.

AtlantiCare YOUniversity will be instrumental in achieving our VISION 2030 goals, with plans for expansion in the coming years. Thank you for your dedication, and we look forward to your continued success with us.


Dennis Lennon Chief People Officer



About Talent Development......................................................... 5

Meet the Team................................................................................. 5

Career Development..................................................................... 7

Class Schedule 2024...................................................................... 8

Clinical Opportunities................................................................. 13

Career Growth Opportunities. ................................................. 16

Professional Development Classes......................................... 20

Other Opportunities.................................................................... 26


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A B OU T TA L E N T D E V E LO PME N T AtlantiCare’s Talent Development team is part of the Human Resources Department. They are responsible for ensuring the right team members are in the right positions, while also overseeing how team members are evaluated and managed by their leaders. One of the core responsibilities of the Talent Development team is to help team members grow within the organization by mapping out career paths and training programs. Their expertise has helped build AtlantiCare YOUniversity and the classes available to our teams. Talent Development at AtlantiCare consists of a team of specialists who can assist you on your career journey.


Christine Carson AVP People & Culture

Christine Carson brings nearly 17 years of extensive Human Resources expertise, spanning talent acquisition, provider relations, and diverse HR leadership roles. With a focus on operations, team member relations, and learning & development, she currently serves as Assistant Vice President of People & Culture, driving HR strategies in line with AtlantiCare’s VISION 2030 Workforce Excellence goals. Christine provides strategic guidance across talent acquisition, talent development, compliance, education, and workforce relations. She holds a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

Michelle Keck Director of Talent Development

Michelle Keck began as a care manager at AtlantiCare Behavioral Health, later transitioning to Corporate Education as the Education Coordinator. With a background in English and Psychology, she holds a Master’s in Instructional Technology and now serves as the Director of Talent Development in the Human Resources department.


Dana Alston Talent Development Consultant

Dana Alston joined AtlantiCare in May 2021, and quickly grew from a supporting position on the Nurse Recruitment team to a Talent Acquisition Partner. In her current role as a Talent Development Consultant, Dana focuses on fostering workforce growth and development, drawing on her 9 years of retail leadership experience and education from Rutgers University and Penn State University.

Desiree Ginsburg Training Facilitator

Desiree Ginsburg is a results-driven HR professional with 15+ years of diverse recruitment experience in corporate settings. Specializing in direct sourcing, candidate engagement, and leadership coaching, Desiree has a proven track record in elevating store performance and operational excellence, blending expertise from roles in luxury retail and healthcare. In her current role as Training Facilitator, Desiree coordinates, provides and presents quality educational programs.

Chloe Mayes Instructional Designer

Chloe Mayes is an experienced instructional designer specializing in eLearning and curriculum development. With a background in education and a passion for helping others succeed, Chloe joined AtlantiCare in 2023 to focus on learner-centric solutions tailored to the diverse needs of the organization. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Education, she is dedicated to creating impactful learning experiences that drive growth and innovation.


G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

C A R E E R D E V E LO PME N T Taking a few minutes to think about the future of your career is an important step in creating a plan for career development. • What goals do you have for the future? • Where do you want to be working in five years? Two years? Ten years? • What position do you want to hold in the future? • How will you get there? Benefits of Career Development Creating and executing your career development plans can bring you numerous benefits, including: • Increased satisfaction

• Higher earning potential • Improved performance • Greater opportunities for advancement • Enhanced confidence • Improved work-life balance

Tips for Effective Career Development For successful career development, you’ll want to follow some best practices: • Improve your communication skills. Communication is crucial in the workplace. Consider taking classes or workshops to enhance your skills. • Invest in your education. Stay current by taking classes, attending conferences, or pursuing a degree or certification. • Be intentional. Set specific, achievable career goals, and be intentional about pursuing them. • Build a strong network. Building relationships with others in your field can provide opportunities for advancement. • Take the initiative. Seek new opportunities and get involved in projects that interest you. • Find the right mentor. Look for someone experienced in your field with the qualities you want to emulate. • Explore what interests you. Experiment with different roles, industries, and projects to find what interests you.


C L A S S S C H E DU L E 2 0 2 4

DEV - Development classes are suitable for all team members looking to work on their professional development.

LEAD - Leadership classes include foundational insights for leaders of all levels.

Spring Semester (April, May, June) To register for classes visit HealthStream .

| DEV 101 - Career Development: Taking the First Step Virtual | DEV 102 - Delegating for Results In-person | DEV 103 - Leveraging Your Priorities In-person | DEV 105 - Giving & Receiving Feedback In-person | DEV 106 - Six SigmaWhite Belt In-person | DEV 107 - Understanding our Education Investment Policy Virtual | DEV 108 - ResumeWriting In-person | DEV 111 - The Permission to Pause In-person and Virtual | DEV 112 - How to Be Clear and Kind In-person and Virtual

| LEAD 101 - Engage, Empower & Energize: Best Practices to Build a Stronger Team Virtual | LEAD 102 - Budgeting Basic s Virtual | LEAD 104 - SMART Goals: Best Practices to Stay on Track and Communicate Progress to Your Team Virtual | LEAD 106 - Coaching for Peak Performance In-person | LEAD 107 - ResolvingWorkplace Conflict In-person | LEAD 108 - Driving Change In-person | LEAD 110 - How to Run Effective Meetings Virtual | LEAD 111- Understanding Key HR Policies Virtual | LEAD 203 - HR Employment Law & LOA In-person and Virtual | LEAD 204 - Navigating Generational Differences In-person and Virtual | LEAD 205 - Masterclass Series: Women in Leadership In-person

| DEV 202 - TED Talk Series: Unreasonable Hospitality Virtual

| DEV 203 - TED Talk Series: Want to get great at something? Get a Coach Virtual | DEV 206 - Six Sigma Green Belt In-person


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Spring Semester continued

| LEAD 206 - Masterclass Series: Public Speaking In-person | LEAD 207 - Presentation Skills In-person and Virtual | LEAD 208 - Service Recovery and Understanding Your Press Ganey Data In-person

| LEAD 212 - Leadership Competency Series: Approachable* In-person and Virtual | LEAD 215 - Leadership Competency

Series: Courageous* In-person and Virtual

Summer Semester (July, August, September) To register for classes visit HealthStream .

| DEV 101 - Career Development: Taking the First Step Virtual | DEV 103 - Leveraging Your Priorities In-person | DEV 104 - Strategies for Influencing Others In-person | DEV 105 - Giving & Receiving Feedback In-person | DEV 106 - Six SigmaWhite Belt In-person | DEV 107 - Understanding our Education Investment Policy Virtual | DEV 108 - ResumeWriting In-person | DEV 111 - The Permission to Pause In-person | DEV 112 - How to Be Clear and Kind In-person and Virtual | DEV 201 - How to Make a Business Case Virtual

| DEV 202 - TED Talk Series: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe Virtual | DEV 203 - TED Talk Series: How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future Virtual | DEV 206 - Six Sigma Green Belt In-person | LEAD 101 - Engage, Empower & Energize: Best Practices to Build a Stronger Team Virtual | LEAD 102 - Budgeting Basics In-person | LEAD 106 - Coaching for Peak Performance In-person | LEAD 107 - ResolvingWorkplace Conflict In-person | LEAD 108 - Driving Change In-person | LEAD 110 - How to Run Effective Meetings Virtual | LEAD 111 - Understanding Key HR Policies Virtual


Summer Semester continued

| DEV 101 - Career Development: Taking the First Step Virtual | DEV 102 - Delegating for Results In-person | DEV 103 - Leveraging Your Priorities In-person | DEV 105 - Giving & Receiving Feedback In-person | DEV 106 - Six SigmaWhite Belt In-person | DEV 107 - Understanding our Education Investment Policy Virtual | DEV 108 - ResumeWriting In-person | DEV 111 - The Permission to Pause In-person and Virtual | LEAD 203 - HR Employment Law & LOA In-person and Virtual | LEAD 204 - Navigating Generational Differences In-person and Virtual | LEAD 205 - Masterclass Series: Women in Leadership In-person | LEAD 206 - Masterclass Series: Public Speaking In-person | LEAD 207 - Presentation Skills In-person and Virtual

| LEAD 208 - Service Recovery and Understanding Your Press Ganey Data In-person and Virtual | LEAD 209 - Turning Patient Comments into Action: Intro to NarrativeDX In-person and Virtual | LEAD 211 - Leadership Competency Series: Accountable* In-person and Virtual | LEAD 213 - Leadership Competency Series: Coach* In-person and Virtual

Fall Semester (October, November, December) To register for classes visit HealthStream .

| DEV 112 - How to Be Clear and Kind In-person and Virtual | DEV 202 - TED Talk Series: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe Virtual | DEV 203 - TED Talk Series: How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future Virtual | DEV 206 - Six Sigma Green Belt In-person | LEAD 101 - Engage, Empower & Energize: Best Practices to Build a Stronger Team Virtual | LEAD 104 - SMART Goals: Best Practices to Stay on Track and Communicate Progress to Your Team Virtual


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Fall Semester continued

| LEAD 105 - SMART Goals: How to Create a SMART Goal Virtual | LEAD 106 - Coaching for Peak Performance In-person | LEAD 107 - ResolvingWorkplace Conflict In-person | LEAD 108 - Driving Change In-person | LEAD 109 - How to Give a Meaningful Performance Evaluation In-person and Virtual | LEAD 110 - How to Run Effective Meetings Virtual | LEAD 111 - Understanding Key HR Policies Virtual | LEAD 203 - HR Employment Law & LOA In-person and Virtual | LEAD 204 - Navigating Generational Differences In-person and Virtual

| LEAD 205 - Masterclass Series: Women in Leadership In-person | LEAD 206 - Masterclass Series: Public Speaking In-person | LEAD 207 - Presentation Skills In-person and Virtual | LEAD 208 - Service Recovery and Understanding Your Press Ganey Data In-person and Virtual | LEAD 209 - Turning Patient Comments into Action: Intro to NarrativeDX In-person and Virtual | LEAD 214 - Leadership Competency Series: Collaborator* In-person and Virtual | LEAD 216 - Leadership Competency

Series: Innovative* In-person and Virtual

Winter Semester (January, February, March) To register for classes visit HealthStream .

| DEV 101 - Career Development: Taking the First Step Virtual | DEV 103 - Leveraging Your Priorities In-person | DEV 104 - Strategies for Influencing Others In-person | DEV 105 - Giving & Receiving Feedback In-person

| DEV 106 - Six SigmaWhite Belt In-person | DEV 107 - Understanding our Education Investment Policy Virtual | DEV 108 - ResumeWriting In-person | DEV 111 - The Permission to Pause In-person and Virtual


Winter Semester continued

| DEV 112 - How to be Clear and Kind In-person and Virtual | DEV 201 - How to Make a Business Case Virtual | DEV 202 - TED Talk Series: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe Virtual | DEV 203 - TED Talk Series: How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future Virtual | DEV 206 - Six Sigma Green Belt In-person | LEAD 101 - Engage, Empower & Energize: Best Practices to Build a Stronger Team Virtual | LEAD 105 - SMART Goals: How to Create a SMART Goal Virtual | LEAD 106 - Coaching for Peak Performance In-person | LEAD 107 - ResolvingWorkplace Conflict In-person | LEAD 108 - Driving Change In-person

| LEAD 109 - How to Give a Meaningful Performance Evaluation In-person and Virtual | LEAD 110 - How to Run Effective Meetings Virtual | LEAD 111 - Understanding Key HR Policies Virtual | LEAD 203 - HR Employment Law & LOA In-person and Virtual | LEAD 204 - Navigating Generational Differences In-person and Virtual | LEAD 205 - Masterclass Series: Women in Leadership In-person | LEAD 206 - Masterclass Series: Public Speaking In-person | LEAD 207 - Presentation Skills In-person and Virtual | LEAD 208 - Service Recovery and Understanding Your Press Ganey Data In-person and Virtual | LEAD 209 - Turning Patient Comments into Action: Intro to NarrativeDX In-person and Virtual

No college credits, certifications, or degrees are offered in association with any YOUniversity classes unless specifically mentioned.


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Medical Assistant Apprentice Program No experience required to get a jumpstart on a career in the rapidly growing medical field! Medical Assistants (MAs) are essential team members in the healthcare setting. MAs make a lasting impact on patient experience and quality by performing a variety of direct patient care tasks, including: • Collecting patient history & documents • Taking vital signs • Screenings, such as strep, finger stick glucose, EKGs & more • Updating electronic health records • Assisting the provider • Administering medications EarnWhile You Learn! AtlantiCare covers the cost of the training, certification and salary pay for apprentices’ clinical rotations. MA apprentice students are paid $17.50 hr. for onsite time (about 20 hours/week) during the program. Upon graduation and certification, rate goes up to $20.00 4hr full-time with benefits.

Visit to apply to an MA Apprentice position. Contact Amanda Pastore for more information:


Radiologic Technologist Apprentice Program Applicants must complete pre-requisites including admission/acceptance to an accredited Radiologic Technology or Radiography Program prior to applying for consideration. • Radiologic Technologists perform Medical Imaging exams utilizing X-ray technology. • Completing an accredited Radiologic Technology or Radiography Program provides a pathway to become board certified in Radiologic Technology. Contact Ashley Dawson, or Judith Adirzone, for more information.

Patient Care Associate Training Camp Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to kick start your career at AtlantiCare! No Experience Required - We Will Train You!

Working at the bedside, Patient Care Associates are a vital part of the AtlantiCare hospital care team. PCAs work closely with patients as advocates and assist with everything from activities of daily living, walking after surgery, and companionship during difficult times. Get paid while training! No need to worry about finances during your training - you will be paid for virtual and in-person training days. Comprehensive Training: Learn how to safely provide care for patients. • EKGs-cardiac rhythm assessments • CPR • Vital signs • Blood glucose monitoring

• Specimen collection • Patient-centered care

Visit to apply to a Patient Care Associate position. Contact Nashid Howard for more information:


G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

Nursing Externship Program Get hands-on training before your final semesters in nursing school, plus a job once you’ve completed the program. AtlantiCare’s nursing externships put you right where you want to be - on the floor, caring for patients and gaining hands on experience in a hospital setting. Earn while you learn, and jump start your career at the same time! Get paid while training! No need to worry about finances during your training - you will be paid

during your externship. Comprehensive Training: • Learn how to safely provide care for patients • Gain practical career knowledge from experts in the field • Work with nurses on the job to learn in real time, with real patients • Put your education to the test in real life settings

Visit to apply for a Nursing Externship position. Contact Rebecca Leeds or Janet Torres for more information:



AtlantiCare Leadership Program (formerly STRIDES)

Description: The AtlantiCare Leadership Program is designed for highly engaged leaders and staff who have demonstrated a desire and ability to be considered for future leadership roles. Participants are selected. The program can last up to three years. Participants are provided with individual paths for years one, two, and three and placed into appropriate leadership development programs (i.e. Pathways to Leadership, Mentorship Program, LEAN Green Belt Training, etc.) during each year. Participants are expected to work on a Professional Growth Plan with a Career Sponsor. Who Should Attend? Model team members who exhibit a high inclination for leadership. How to Sign Up: Interested team members should talk with their leaders about recommending them for the Leadership Program by submitting information to the Talent Development team.

Requirements: • Two Years at AtlantiCare • Valued Contributor Evaluation Rating • No Counseling or Disciplinary Action for 24 months • Recommendation from Current Leader Date Offered 2024: TBD Program Length: Different sessions over three years

Dreu Monaghan, MSN, RN, CDCES Director of Diabetes Program C A R E E R PAT H

AtlantiCare Career Path: • EMT • Registered Nurse • Ambulatory Diabetes Educator • Inpatient Diabetes Program Coordinator • Director of Diabetes Program YOUniversity Programming: • Education Investment Program • STRIDES


• Associates of Applied Science, Nursing • Bachelor of Science in Nursing • Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist • Masters of Science in Nursing: Nurse Leadership: Nurse Executive


G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

AtlantiCare Mentorship Program (formerly GROWS)

Description: This program is designed for highly engaged leaders and staff whose position requires leading projects, teams, and/or processes. The nine month program teaches high-level concepts about various aspects of the healthcare industry. Each participant is also paired with a mentor. Together, they are expected to meet monthly to discuss leadership topics and work on a joint project. Who Should Attend? Model team members who exhibit a high inclination for leadership. How to Sign Up: See info for the AtlantiCare Leadership Program.

Requirements: • Two Years at AtlantiCare • Valued Contributor Evaluation Rating • No Counseling or Disciplinary Action for 24 months • Recommendation from Current Leader Date Offered 2024: Mentorship is ongoing Program Length: Mentorships last for one year or longer

Pathways to Leadership

Description: The Pathways program is designed for front- line staff with a high potential for taking on a leadership role. This one-year program focuses on the core knowledge and behaviors necessary to be a successful leader. The program requires the commitment of both the participant and their leader. The participant will be required to attend all sessions during the program year. Who Should Attend? Frontline team members who exhibit a high inclination for leadership. How to Sign Up: Participants are first identified for the STRIDES Program and then placed into the Pathways to Leadership program. Talk with your leader for a recommendation to the program.

Requirements: • Two Years at AtlantiCare

• Valued Contributor Evaluation Rating • No Counseling or Disciplinary Action for 24 months • Recommendation from Current Leader Date Offered 2024: March 27, April 26, May 15, May 29, June 14 Program Length: One year of service, including five full- day sessions followed by six sessions of two hours of action learning/skill practice while working on a project. There is some additional work required outside of the program hours.


Jaime O’Brien, MHA Director Applications & Reporting, AIT C A R E E R PAT H

AtlantiCare Career Path: • Office Assistant, Health

YOUniversity Programming: • Pathways to Leadership

Information Management • Client Service Representative • Release of Information Specialist • HIM Document Capture Lead • HIM Supervisor • HIM Operations Manager • Director of Applications & Reporting

• STRIDES • GROWS • Six-Sigma Green Belt • Serving Leader • Education Investment Program


• Bachelor of Arts Communication

• Bachelor of Science Health Information Management & Technology • Master of Health Administration

New Leader Assimilation (formerly Foundations in Leadership)

Description: Our “new leader orientation” program is designed to equip newly hired and newly promoted leaders with the knowledge, resources and understanding of what is expected of an AtlantiCare leader. All managers, directors and supervisors are required to participate in this program. Who Should Attend? This program is required for newly promoted leaders and leaders who are new to AtlantiCare. Information will be shared with new leaders when they start. Leaders should anticipate starting the in-person classwork within their first year. How to Sign Up: Participants will be contacted.

Requirements: • Supervisor title and above Date Offered 2024: New sessions start quarterly Course Length: On-Going, In-person class is approximately 6 weeks, consisting of 6 3-hour sessions.


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SAW/ECHO: Building My Career at AtlantiCare

Description: SAW is targeted for front-line employees who do not have an advanced degree and/or certification. These employees are interested and willing to further their education, but need some support before starting a formal program. ECHO is targeted for front-line employees who may or may not have an advanced degree and/or certification. These employees may have completed college or an advanced degree and are interested in pursuing another career path that will align with their skills. During the 6-week initial session, teammembers will take an assessment to determine if they are best suited to: • Attend school • Take EHCO classes • Take SAW classes Once the initial six-week class has been completed, teammembers may move into their suggested track. • Utilize EIP to go back for certification, Associate’s degree, or Bachelor’s degree

Requirements: • Application • Interview • Access to a computer Date Offered 2024: Course Length: • Building My Career at AtlantiCare: 6 weeks

• ECHO: 6 weeks • SAW: 12 weeks

• Enroll in ECHO classes: Life Management, Workplace Communication, Medical Terminology, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving. Upon ECHO completion, employee is supported with direction for next steps including school, certification or career pathing. • Enroll in SAW classes: Life Management, Workplace Communication, Medical Terminology, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Grammar, Reading, Writing, and Math. Upon SAW completion, employee is supported with direction for next steps including school, certification or career pathing Who Should Attend? Mid-level allied health or clinical teammembers. How to Sign Up: Talk with your manager for approval, then complete the application. On the Talent Development page on the HR Portal.

Chatani Mounts, RN RN, Acute Care/Post Surgical Unit, Atlantic City Campus C A R E E R PAT H

AtlantiCare Career Path: • Endocrinology Medical Assistant • Registered Nurse

YOUniversity Programming: • STRIDES • Pathways to Leadership • School at Work (SAW)

Education: • Associates of Science, Nursing What’s Next? Started Bachelor of Science in Nursing in January 2024


P R O F E S S I ON A L D E V E LO PME N T C L A S S E S AtlantiCare YOUniversity offers a variety of in-person classes to enhance your knowledge and expand your leadership skills. Classes are offered in-person each quarter. All teammembers are welcome to sign up to attend.

DEV – Development classes are suitable for all team members looking to work on their professional development. 100 level classes are open to all team members, 200 and 300 level classes require completion of the class level prior.

improve business results, including those that will improve operations, enhance customer experience, or expand the use of the services offered. At the conclusion, participants should be able to: learn about the influencing opportunity, including who they need to influence, why they need their commitment, what level of commitment they need, and how they will gain that commitment. | DEV 105 - Giving & Receiving Feedback Learn to give and get constructive feedback that aligns with your values and servant leadership, builds trust and promotes high performance and accountability. | DEV 106 - Six SigmaWhite Belt Six Sigma White Belt training is the first step in the Six Sigma process. White Belt training provides an all-round knowledge of Six Sigma roadmaps and methodologies. With this courseclass, you’ll have a basic understanding of Six Sigma processes, concepts and ideologies. You will be able to understand concepts that involve process improvement, variability reduction, improvement process performance, and the various roles that team members play.

| DEV 101 - Career Development: Taking the First Step Learn from internal experts on how to take the first step in your growth and development. Information on career paths, our Education Investment Program, and interviewing tips will be covered.

| DEV 102 - Delegating for Results Learn how to achieve results and build

capacity by assigning task and decision making responsibilities to individuals or teams with clear boundaries, support and follow up. | DEV 103 - Leveraging Your Priorities Do you want to make the most out of your time, energy, and talent? Do your priorities make things happen...or do distractions take up much of your day and upstage priorities? Participants will gain new techniques to master prioritization skills and learn to allocate time to things that will give them the greatest return.

| DEV 104 - Strategies for Influencing Others

Participants will develop their abilities to gain needed commitment from others to implement an idea or opportunity that will achieve or


G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

| DEV 107 - Understanding our Education Investment Policy This class helps you understand our Education Investment Policy, what it covers, and the application process | DEV 108 - ResumeWriting This resume writing courseclass will provide an overall introduction to resumes and their function. The courseclass will help to determine what information should be included in a resume and why. | DEV 109 - Microsoft Excel 2016 Beginner (ACCC) This workshop will cover the fundamental concepts to Microsoft Excel 2016. Participants will learn the basics of entering and editing text, values, and formulas, determining absolute and relative references and working with ranges, rows and columns. | DEV 110 - Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Basics (ACCC) This workshop covers the basic functions and features of PowerPoint 2016. Participants will create a basic presentation and add content; arrange, insert, and delete slides; and apply templates and design themes. | DEV 111 - The Permission to Pause Learn tools and techniques to effectively manaage your stress and the stress of those around you

| DEV 201 - How to Make a Business Case A business case provides justification for moving forward on a project or program. In this workshop, learn how to put together a business case that drives data-driven decision making. | DEV 202 - TED Talk Series: Unreasonable Hospitality The TED Talk Series will be a dialogue on current trends in leadership, healthcare, education, technology, etc. | DEV 203 - TED Talk Series: Want to get great at something? Get a Coach The TED Talk Series will be a dialogue on current trends in leadership, healthcare, education, technology, etc. | DEV 206 - Six Sigma Green Belt A project based curriculum that leverages the use of simulations, case studies and student interactions for the most effective learning experience. Students are assigned to a team of four to seven people. Students learn and practice the skills necessary to map, analyze and improve work processes, implement change management strategies, apply structured problem solving methods, apply root cause analysis tools and implement proven Lean Six Sigma countermeasures.

| DEV 112 - How to Be Clear and Kind

Visit Healthstream to register for any of these classes.

This class teaches how to effectively communicate while remaining compassionate to our patients, team members, and community


| DEV 209 - Microsoft Excel 2016 Intermediate (ACCC)

| LEAD 101 - Engage, Empower & Energize: Best Practices to Build a Stronger Team This workshop is designed to provide leaders tips, tools, and resources to enhance engagement. Leaders will share best practices and learn from what other organizations are doing to engage their team members, including best practices in training and recognition. | LEAD 102 - Budgeting Basics What are the basic elements of budgeting? Where do you even begin? Learn how to manage and plan for your budget in this workshop.

This workshop will cover how to work with large worksheets and use multiple worksheets and workbooks efficiently. It will introduce students to more advanced formatting techniques, such as applying special number formats, creating and sorting, and filtering data. | DEV 309 - Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced (ACCC) This workshop covers advanced skill and concepts in Microsoft Excel. Participants will learn how to automate, share, protect, and work within multiple workbooks.

AtlantiCare Career Path: • Research Consenter for MyCode • Research Assistant • Senior Buyer I • Logistics Apprentice Year II Justin Messina, MBA Manager, Logistics C A R E E R PAT H

Education: • Bachelor of Science Health Administration • Master of Business Administration What’s Next? • Pursuing a Master of Supply Chain Management and expected to graduate May 2025.

• Logistics Supervisor • Manager of Logistics

YOUniversity Programming: • STRIDES • Certified Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt • Education Investment Program


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LEAD – Leadership classes include foundational insights for leaders of all levels. 100 level classes are open to all leaders, 200 and 300 level classes require completion of the class level prior.

| LEAD 104 - SMART Goals: Best Practices to Stay on Track and Communicate Progress to Your Team SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This workshop will help you define, clarify, and scope your goals as well as effectively communicate progress to your teams. | LEAD 105 - SMART Goals: How to Create a SMART Goal Learn to recognize opportunities to provide coaching to ensure someone’s success or to improve or enhance work performance. Learn to recognize opportunities to provide coaching to ensure someone’s success or to improve or enhance work performance. | LEAD 107 - ResolvingWorkplace Conflict Learn to identify what team members say or do to contribute to or cause conflict as well as what effective or ineffective behaviors the learners display in their attempts to resolve in their teams. | LEAD 108 - Driving Change Learn to identify real-life workplace change, the business rationale for it and how others react. Learn how to respond and move closer toward embracing the change. | LEAD 106 - Coaching for Peak Performance

| LEAD 109 - How to Give a Meaningful Performance Evaluation Learn how to make the most out of a performance evaluation and make it a conversation focused on learning and growth. | LEAD 110 - How to Run Effective Meetings Learn how to identify the purpose of a meeting, prepare an agenda, keep the team on track, and identify next steps/action items | LEAD 111 - Understanding Key HR Policies Learn about the fundamental policies that every leader should be familiar with in order to lead their teams. Position yourself to be more confident in your business and financial decisions. This courseclass will provide you with a better understanding of financial information and basic operations so you can make better decisions that will positively impact your company’s bottom line. | LEAD 203 - HR Employment Law & LOA Learn about the basics of HR Employment Law and Leave of Absence from our internal experts in the Legal department. | LEAD 202 - Business Finance for Non- Finance Personnel (ACCC)

Visit Healthstream to register for any of these classes.


| LEAD 204 - Navigating Generational Differences

| LEAD 209 - Turning Patient Comments into Action: Intro to NarrativeDX In-person and Virtual Narrative DX is a tool that leverages AI and Machine Learning to analyze hundreds of thousands of patient comments at the click of a button. Whether you’re a clinical or ancillary leader, this tool gives you the ability to celebrate (or coach) your team members using real patient feedback that is both actionable and impactful. | LEAD 211 - Leadership Competency Series: Accountable* This workshop will cover the concepts of Extreme Ownership and how to apply them in your everyday interactions. This class is mandatory for all leaders. | LEAD 212 - Leadership Competency Series: Approachable* This workshop will cover the importance of being an approachable leader and how it impacts trust, safety, innovation, team engagement, and excellence for our patients. This class is mandatory for all leaders.

We currently have 5 generations in the workforce- learn more about the historical events that have shaped each generation and how it impacts their approaches to work, communication, and interpersonal relationships. | LEAD 205 - Masterclass Series: Women in Leadership Learn from internal experts on various leadership topics. | LEAD 206 - Masterclass Series: Public Speaking Learn from internal experts on various leadership topics. | LEAD 207 - Presentation Skills This class teaches you how to organize, prepare, and effectively present your thoughts by engaging your audience through storytelling rather than data dumping. | LEAD 208 - Service Recovery: What Leaders Can Do We’re all human and service recovery is inevitable. Learn from internal experts on the best ways to handle situations when things don’t go accordingly, how to manage expectations, and follow through so everyone involved is left feeling valued and heard.

| LEAD 213 - Leadership Competency Series: Coach*

Everyone needs a coach. This workshop will teach you how to coach your teams and help them all work on professional growth plans. This class is mandatory for all leaders.

Visit Healthstream to register for any of these classes.


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| LEAD 214 - Leadership Competency Series: Collaborator* Results move at the speed of relationships. This workshop will teach you how to effectively build relationships and tailor your communication style to your audience. This class is mandatory for all leaders. | LEAD 215 - Leadership Competency Series: Courageous* This workshop will cover tough conversations and tough decisions- both of which are unavoidable in leadership. This class is mandatory for all leaders.

| LEAD 216 - Leadership Competency Series: Innovative*

This workshop will review past examples of innovation in our history as well as innovation in outside industries. Leaders are encouraged to bring an idea to this workshop that can be discussed with the class. This class is mandatory for all leaders.

ATLANTICARE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The AtlantiCare Foundation proudly oversees individual scholarship funds designed to help talented and passionate students and team members attain their personal dream of professional development and education. Below is a list of all scholarships administered by the AtlantiCare Foundation, sorted by category.

Scholarship Opportunities New Jersey (NJ), AtlantiCare, Egg Harbor Township

Employee Resource Group Scholarship Opportunities Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s) are a part of AtlantiCare’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. AtlantiCare supports each groups’ initiatives to create and sustain an inclusive and engaged work environment where all differences are valued, respected, and celebrated. ERG’s are also committed to enhancing the delivery of healthcare services for our diverse community. ERG’s offer various scholarships to those who are pursuing a career in healthcare, in either clinical or non-clinical fields.

2024 Employee Resource Group (ERG) Scholarship New Jersey (NJ), AtlantiCare, Egg Harbor Township

AtlantiCare IT Security The IT Security team offers security training to assess and improve your cyber security intelligence both at work and at home. Training are offered through the IT training site.


OT H E R O P P O R T UN I T I E S American Heart Association Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS ) AtlantiCare YOUniversity offers the American Heart Association’s Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support classclasses. The AHA’s ACLS class builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). Healthstream Healthstream is a program that provides all AtlantiCare team members with access to their annual Essential Work Requirements. Additionally, team members can explore a catalog of classes to take on their own including those geared toward many clinical specialties. They also offer classes in Microsoft programs and soft-skills like presenting. AtlantiCare Enrichment Society The Community Enrichment Society of AtlantiCare (also known as “CES”) is an exciting networking opportunity for the area’s young professionals and entrepreneurs who would like to build relationships, develop professionally, enrich the community through philanthropy and volunteerism, and contribute to the economic growth of the region. Membership: AtlantiCare Employees: • $50.00 membership fee that our employees would have to pay when they sign up through cash/check/ payroll deduction The membership fee would be used for the following events: • 2 in person events- one event would be in the summer and the second event would be in December as a holiday party. (All in person events will have a cash bar) • 4 webinar/panel discussions throughout the year. • Volunteer events. • 1 “Day in the Life” experience: A Day in Life experience is where different departments allow a small group to come into their workspace for a couple of hours to see what they do on a daily basis. Target Demographic: The demographic to make-up CES would be: 25 years to 50 years old AtlantiCare YOUniversity also offers classclasses to train to become an AHA/ACLS instructors.

To join the CES, email .


G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

Tuition Reimbursement: AtlantiCare Education Investment Program AtlantiCare covers up to $10,000* for eligible full-time team members. AtlantiCare actively encourages team members to pursue their educational goals. To help make this possible, eligible team members can utilize up to $10,000 to attend approved programs at accredited institutions through the tuition reimbursement program. Criteria: Eligible participants have to be high performing by receiving a Remarkable Performer rating in their annual evaluation or highly engaged (participate in AtlantiCare or community initiatives above and beyond their role description). Admittance: To enroll, the Program Application Form and the Payment Request Form are required for new applicants. All attachments and signatures must be submitted together. For more information, visit the EIC (About You > Human Resources / Talent Development > YOUniversity > Education Investment Program) or email

*up to $5,250 is tax exempt. Anything over must be taxed per IRS

Keesha Blake-Jones, BS, PBT (ASCP) Central Processing Supervisor C A R E E R PAT H

AtlantiCare Career Path: • OB Medical Assistant • Preadmission Testing MA • Perioperative APG MA • Central Processing Lab Supervisor YOUniversity Programming: • STRIDES • Education Investment Program

Education: • Associate in Health Science

• Bachelor of Science in Health Science • Exam for American Society for Clinical Pathology

What’s Next? • Starting MBA in Fall 2024


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