YOUniversity Catalog

Winter Semester continued

| DEV 112 - How to be Clear and Kind In-person and Virtual | DEV 201 - How to Make a Business Case Virtual | DEV 202 - TED Talk Series: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe Virtual | DEV 203 - TED Talk Series: How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future Virtual | DEV 206 - Six Sigma Green Belt In-person | LEAD 101 - Engage, Empower & Energize: Best Practices to Build a Stronger Team Virtual | LEAD 105 - SMART Goals: How to Create a SMART Goal Virtual | LEAD 106 - Coaching for Peak Performance In-person | LEAD 107 - ResolvingWorkplace Conflict In-person | LEAD 108 - Driving Change In-person

| LEAD 109 - How to Give a Meaningful Performance Evaluation In-person and Virtual | LEAD 110 - How to Run Effective Meetings Virtual | LEAD 111 - Understanding Key HR Policies Virtual | LEAD 203 - HR Employment Law & LOA In-person and Virtual | LEAD 204 - Navigating Generational Differences In-person and Virtual | LEAD 205 - Masterclass Series: Women in Leadership In-person | LEAD 206 - Masterclass Series: Public Speaking In-person | LEAD 207 - Presentation Skills In-person and Virtual | LEAD 208 - Service Recovery and Understanding Your Press Ganey Data In-person and Virtual | LEAD 209 - Turning Patient Comments into Action: Intro to NarrativeDX In-person and Virtual

No college credits, certifications, or degrees are offered in association with any YOUniversity classes unless specifically mentioned.


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