YOUniversity Catalog

G R O W . L E A D . I N S P I R E .

SAW/ECHO: Building My Career at AtlantiCare

Description: SAW is targeted for front-line employees who do not have an advanced degree and/or certification. These employees are interested and willing to further their education, but need some support before starting a formal program. ECHO is targeted for front-line employees who may or may not have an advanced degree and/or certification. These employees may have completed college or an advanced degree and are interested in pursuing another career path that will align with their skills. During the 6-week initial session, teammembers will take an assessment to determine if they are best suited to: • Attend school • Take EHCO classes • Take SAW classes Once the initial six-week class has been completed, teammembers may move into their suggested track. • Utilize EIP to go back for certification, Associate’s degree, or Bachelor’s degree

Requirements: • Application • Interview • Access to a computer Date Offered 2024: Course Length: • Building My Career at AtlantiCare: 6 weeks

• ECHO: 6 weeks • SAW: 12 weeks

• Enroll in ECHO classes: Life Management, Workplace Communication, Medical Terminology, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving. Upon ECHO completion, employee is supported with direction for next steps including school, certification or career pathing. • Enroll in SAW classes: Life Management, Workplace Communication, Medical Terminology, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Grammar, Reading, Writing, and Math. Upon SAW completion, employee is supported with direction for next steps including school, certification or career pathing Who Should Attend? Mid-level allied health or clinical teammembers. How to Sign Up: Talk with your manager for approval, then complete the application. On the Talent Development page on the HR Portal.

Chatani Mounts, RN RN, Acute Care/Post Surgical Unit, Atlantic City Campus C A R E E R PAT H

AtlantiCare Career Path: • Endocrinology Medical Assistant • Registered Nurse

YOUniversity Programming: • STRIDES • Pathways to Leadership • School at Work (SAW)

Education: • Associates of Science, Nursing What’s Next? Started Bachelor of Science in Nursing in January 2024


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