2020 Greatest Hits
Best People and Workplace
• The FQHC has four medical providers participating in the National Health Service Corp (NHSC), a program that relieves the provider of medical school debt. • Held virtual “Walk from Obesity” in September 2020. • Increased communication with Board of Trustees and Leadership through COVID-19 Daily Updates and Weekly Board Updates. • Enrolled 450 nurses in the Professional Nursing Ladder program. • Created a series of eight Graduate Medical Education videos to enhance virtual recruitment efforts. • Implemented Monday Minute weekly audio broadcast for leaders to reinforce leader communications with their teams. • Held 13 employee food drives, ensuring that our dedicated workforce had the essentials they needed for their families throughout the pandemic. • Created a Healthcare Hero community tribute / art exhibit to acknowledge and celebrate the dedication of our frontline staff. • Collected meals from nearly 300 individuals / groups to support frontline staff during the height of the pandemic. • Offered virtual Rising and Thriving Resiliency Sessions to staff during the pandemic. • Coordinated Green Battery Recycling Initiative, recycling over 358 pounds of batteries across administrative and clinical satellite locations. • Achieved sustainability goal of installing a solar panel system at Manahawkin Health Park. • Increased frequency of Schwartz Rounds presentations during the height of the pandemic, offering them virtually. • Created dedicated Resiliency Resources page on The Starfish. • Continued the GROWS mentoring program.
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