2022 Annual Impact Report

Ma i n l and Campus : B i gger and Bet ter

We recently marked an important milestone in the Mainland Expansion Project: with the last steel beam in place, AtlantiCare staff, providers, and administration took permanent markers to sign their names and share messages of healing. “Here’s to the future,” wrote one. The expansion project, estimated at $75 million, will add two floors (35,000 square feet) to Mainland’s Meadow Pavilion and will feature the renovation of an additional 23,000 square feet at locations throughout the campus. “Our major goals with this project are to expand ICU capacity and to increase private rooms, which we recognize is becoming the standard of care,” says Frank Carpenter, Vice President

& CAO for AtlantiCare - Mainland Campus. “Every aspect of this project has been designed with patient care in mind – from minimizing impact on current patients as we knock down walls and add new ones, to the design and articulation of new equipment in ICU rooms, we’re planning for AtlantiCare’s future and its ability make a difference in health and healing years down the road.” Construction began during the first quarter of 2022 and is estimated to be completed by mid-year 2025.


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