2024 Wellness Booklet



Preventive Screening Recommendations The right preventive care at every stage of life helps you stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, and keep conditions from becoming worse. See Preventive Screening Recommendations on pages 11-12 for a complete list. Wellness FAQs When am I eligible to have my next Annual Preventive CareVisit? You are eligible to have one, fully covered Annual Preventive Care Visit each calendar year. For instance, if you had your last Annual Preventive Care Visit in August of 2023, you are eligible to have your next Annual Preventive Care Visit any time after January 1, 2024. You do not need to wait the full 365 days between appointments. This year you will be eligible to earn “early bird” credits for completing the Annual Preventive Care Visit earlier in the year. Visits completed by: *The maximumwellness credits an Engaged Plan or PPOmember can earn remains $2,000 each. Only my systolic (top number) or diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure was greater than or equal to 135/85 when I certifiedmy KnowYour Numbers in 2023. Do I need to make a blood pressure improvement to earn the KnowYour Numbers credit? Yes. Even if one of the two numbers (your diastolic and systolic pressures) registers as greater than or equal to 135/85, employees and spouses/ partners are asked to take the appropriate steps in order to lower their blood pressure to earn credit. 4/30/24 are worth $900 7/31/24 are worth $750 11/30/24 are worth $600

Do I need to improve my body mass index (BMI) score by the end of 2024? If you certified with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 in 2023, you are asked to reduce your total body weight by 5% in order to earn the KnowYour Numbers credit. To calculate 5% weight loss, please use the following formula: 2023 CertifiedWeight x .05 = # needed to lose goal weight to achieve credit. Can I apply any extra wellness credits I earn to my spouse’s wellness credit amount? No. The wellness credits you earn will only apply to you. What resources are available to helpme improve my blood pressure and/or BMI? AtlantiCare Health Engagement is dedicated to connecting you with resources to help you make improvements in your biometrics. Resources such as the LifeCenter, engaged weight management program, registered dietitian, Livongo and telephonic coaching are just a few of the many resources available to you and your family. For more information, please contact AtlantiCare Health Engagement via email at wellness@atlanticare.org , by calling 1-609-677-7507 or visit https://myatlanticare.org . How can I check the status of my wellness activities? Employees and spouses/partners should login to https://myatlanticare.org and select the tile that says “Wellness Activity Tracker” to view your online wellness activity checklist. There is a drop-down box at the top of the page where members can select the year they wish to view. What if my results are submitted past the deadline? We adhere strongly to all deadlines established for this program. We recommend you keep track of your progress by viewing your Wellness Activity Tracker and confirming all relevant information has been received by the deadline. No grace periods will be allowed. It is your responsibility to ensure all documents and activities are completed by the deadline.


WELLNESS FAQS.........................5


• Activity Checklist.................6

• Activity Certification Form........................................7

• Resources......................... 8-10

• Screenings.................... 11-12

• Right Care at the Right Time..............13

Wellness Customer Service Team 609-677-7507 Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm wellness@atlanticare.org

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